The website is protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. All images, including photographs and illustrations, are protected by copyright and may only be reused, published, or reproduced in accordance with copyright law. The resources contained on this website may also be subject to copyright and are provided here for educational and research purposes. We make these resources available online as part of our commitment to promoting and facilitating the study, research, understanding, and appreciation of Caribbean soils, ecosystems, art, and culture. This aligns with the principles of fair use under Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act.
Users are cautioned that intellectual property laws may restrict the use of this material. Any user who photocopies or reproduces this material for purposes beyond fair use may be liable for copyright infringement. Users are solely responsible for determining the copyright status of materials and must obtain permission from the copyright holder for any reuse, publication, modification, or reproduction that exceeds the scope of fair use or other legal exemptions.
The Soil Museum of the Caribbean and Arte-Suelo-Ser are not responsible for unauthorized use of this material by users accessing this site. Such users will bear individual and exclusive responsibility to the copyright holder for their actions.
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All work, including photographs, illustrations, and artwork available on this website, may not be reproduced, copied, sold, downloaded, modified, mixed, or altered without prior authorization from the Soil Museum of the Caribbean.
The website is protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. All images, including photographs and illustrations, are protected by copyright and may only be reused, published, or reproduced in accordance with copyright law. The resources contained on this website may also be subject to copyright and are provided here for educational and research purposes. We make these resources available online as part of our commitment to promoting and facilitating the study, research, understanding, and appreciation of Caribbean soils, ecosystems, art, and culture. This aligns with the principles of fair use under Section 107 of the United States Copyright Act.
Users are cautioned that intellectual property laws may restrict the use of this material. Any user who photocopies or reproduces this material for purposes beyond fair use may be liable for copyright infringement. Users are solely responsible for determining the copyright status of materials and must obtain permission from the copyright holder for any reuse, publication, modification, or reproduction that exceeds the scope of fair use or other legal exemptions.
The Soil Museum of the Caribbean and Arte-Suelo-Ser are not responsible for unauthorized use of this material by users accessing this site. Such users will bear individual and exclusive responsibility to the copyright holder for their actions.
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The agreement is governed by Puerto Rican law. Users cannot transfer their rights without ASUSER's consent. If any provision is deemed unenforceable, it does not affect the rest of the agreement.